Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Animal Jam Not Online:(

Hey guys! Today i tried to go on AJ, but got a message saying that it was offline! I tried again and again, but it still wouldn't load. I tried to look at the Daily Explorer, but that wouldn't load either. The message said that "Animal Jam is currently offline, check the Daily Explorer for updates". So, looks like i have nothing about AJ to post today!
So, why don't i tell you a few random facts about myself?

-I recently dyed the tips of my hair blue!
-I just started 8th grade!
-I recently got back from a camping trip to Gettysburg, PA.
-I like potatoes:D
-My favorite animals are otters and cows. (Lol, what an odd mix:)
-I'm an only child.
-I live in Calvert County, MD. (Please don't stalk me)
-I play the cello.
-My favorite color is purple.
-My favorite football team is the Green Bay Packers! (Whooo-hoooo!!!!)
-I've been on AJ since last October.
-I love writing this blog!

Hope you enjoyed those weird, unnecessary facts about me:)
I'll post more about AJ later, when it is functioning again!


  1. I love otters too! ell my whole entire family does except my sis :D


  2. lol amy you are so weird ;)

    ( hiblahblahblah )

  3. you havent osted anything new in a long... long... time

    1. I know, I'm sorry! I'll try harder! I've been rlly busy


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