Sunday, February 26, 2012

Beware of Scammers!

This is a very important post! BEWARE OF SCAMMERS! they are everywhere! i've been scammed many times, and so have many other Jammers. The most common types of scams are:
1. The "I'm poor send me stuff" scam.
2. The "If u send me your rare, i'll send you mine." scam.
3. The "Send me stuff and i'll say your name!" scam.
4. The "Send me stuff or i'll report you!" scam.
5. The "It's my birthday send me stuff" scam.
6. The "My rare got scammed so send me yours" scam.
7. The "Give me your password and i'll send you rares!" scam.
Plus many more
All these are scams! Do not fall for them! Don't send these greedy people your rares! Just identify them as scammers and leave.

My Own Glitch!

I DISCOVERED MY VERY OWN GLITCH! I CALL IT: COCOA HUT GLITCH! i'm sorry, but i can't tell you how to do it. All i can say is that it involves changing animals! Good luck trying to figure it out!

I Love my BFFS!

I love my BFFS! This is my bff, hiblahblahblah. (she totally copied my username!)

Current AJ Newspaper!

Sol Arcade

Hey guys, just came back from a trip to the Sol Arcade in Jamaa Township! Its pretty awesome! U can earn little toys that are very collectable! Here is my collection:
The golden toys are very rare! i only have 2 goldens, but they are pretty awesome!

Party In Club Geoz!

                                                      PARTY IN CLUB GEOZ!!!!!

New glitch!

I found out about this glitch about a week ago! I love it. However, I can't tell you how to do it. But i can give you a hint! The glitch involves running back and forth many times before you can get up on the roof. It's in the Temple of Zios. Here is me doing the glitch:)