Friday, August 31, 2012

Pet Monkeys!

Hey everyone! In this week's Jamaa Journal, they announced that pet monkeys will be coming soon! I can't wait to get one! Apparently, it's the monthly member gift for September! I only have to wait a day!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Animal Jam Not Online:(

Hey guys! Today i tried to go on AJ, but got a message saying that it was offline! I tried again and again, but it still wouldn't load. I tried to look at the Daily Explorer, but that wouldn't load either. The message said that "Animal Jam is currently offline, check the Daily Explorer for updates". So, looks like i have nothing about AJ to post today!
So, why don't i tell you a few random facts about myself?

-I recently dyed the tips of my hair blue!
-I just started 8th grade!
-I recently got back from a camping trip to Gettysburg, PA.
-I like potatoes:D
-My favorite animals are otters and cows. (Lol, what an odd mix:)
-I'm an only child.
-I live in Calvert County, MD. (Please don't stalk me)
-I play the cello.
-My favorite color is purple.
-My favorite football team is the Green Bay Packers! (Whooo-hoooo!!!!)
-I've been on AJ since last October.
-I love writing this blog!

Hope you enjoyed those weird, unnecessary facts about me:)
I'll post more about AJ later, when it is functioning again!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Enchanted Hollow Den Glitch!

Hello Jammers! One of my Glitch Hunters, wolfgirlgo, has been sending me TONS of glitches! Some of them i knew already, but she saved me the trouble of having to take pictures for them! Thanks!
So here is the glitch for the newest den, with pictures courtesy of wolfgirlgo!

Click in the black circle!

Good luck everyone!

P.S. If you don't have an Enchanted Hollow Den, you're always welcome in mine:)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Black Wolf Attack!

Hey everyone! Today i was doing the Pit Glitch in Zios when about 10-15 all black wolves appeared! They got in a line and started howling! Weird... So, like any normal person, i took a picture!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Buddy Requests Notice!

Hey people! I just wanted to say that i'm sorry if you sent me a friend request and i rejected it. I don't usually accept buddy requests from random people, so if you send me one, make sure to send a jam-a-gram telling me that you read my blog. I would love to be buddies with you, but i can't tell you apart from random strangers, no offense.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Summer Carnival Glitch!

Hey everyone! Today one of my Glitch Hunters, wolgirlgo, emailed me about this great glitch! I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but I'm sure it works:)
Here is the spot: (in the black circle)

And the place where you click: (also in the circle)

Thanks wolfgirlgo, and good luck everyone!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Phantom Museum!

Hey everyone! Today someone traded me a golden phantom statue, and i thought, hey, i have a lot of phantom stuff! i should make a museum in my den! So i cleared out my small house den and set up a room full of phantom statues, plushies, and caged phantoms! I advertised in Jamaa Township and people came to see all of my phantoms! It was a great success! So, for a week, i'll leave my museum open to the public! So check out all the cool phantoms!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Check it out!

Hey everyone! Make sure to check out the new Pawsome Jammers page! Every once in a while, i'll post information about a nice, fun, pawsome Jammer so the world can see how great he or she is! So, make sure to check to see if you've been selected!

Pet Party Glitch!

Hey everyone! I was at the pet party today when i saw someone doing a glitch! Eventually, i figured out the spot...

And where to click!

The glitch only lets you go in a small area, but it's great to impress people and attract attention, if that's what you want. Good luck Jammers!

Deleted Accounts?

Hello guys! Today i was messing with the buddy finder, and i wanted to see what would happen if i typed in just a simple username. So i did, and a player card showed up, but it was all gray, with a tiger and no buttons to click. Apparently, all the oldest AJ accounts were deleted because they weren't being used! So make sure to use your account a lot to ensure that this doesn't happen to you!

Turtles Are Here!!!

Hey everyone! Turtles are finally here, and i have to say, they are so cute! Their accessories add to the cuteness, with items like dragon wings, angel wings, a unicorn horn, a ninja mask, and a flower headband!
There's also the new Pets Only Party! I haven't been to one yet, but i can't wait to go and i'll report on it ASAP!
Also new is the Den Contest, where you have to draw the coolest den you can think of! Mine's pretty awesome, but i'll show you after the contest winner is announced! Wouldn't want anyone to copy me!

Friday, August 3, 2012

My 100th Post!

Yayy! Amy's Animal Jam News has had 100 posts! This is a big moment in AAJN history! Whoooooooo hooooooooo!