Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Jamaaliday Jam in July?!?!?!

Hey everyone! I went on AJ today and noticed a few odd things. First of all, when i logged on, the first thing that showed up was the newspaper, showing that there was a new issue! But when I clicked on it, it was the same! Then, i clicked on the party tab and there was a Jamaaliday Jam party! It must have been some sort of time lapse! So i went, and sure enough, there were s'mores, reindeer, and candy canes! I think that was the only Jamaaliday party since Christmastime! Weird...
As for what caused the glitch, i'm not sure. Maybe someone at AJ HQ (if there really is a HQ!) messed up and accidently put a Jamaaliday party on the party list? Or maybe someone decided that they needed to cool down a little and put the winter party there for fun? I guess we'll never know.


  1. it happened to me too!

  2. It's happening right now!!! 2:30 PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  3. i know.. it happened to me too then few weeks from that my friend said that in some country was cristmas on that day...

  4. Umm Because In Australia Its Christmas.... LEARN SOMETHING NEW!!! LOL NOW U FEEL DUMB BY READING THIS!!!


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